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Camelid Castration

My name is Joel Foote and I am coordinating the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching School camelid castration clinic in March. Dates have not been set yet and CSU needs at least 20 animals to hold the clinic - to date we have 15. CSU can do 35/day and if there are more than 35, a second day can be added. This is a once-a-year clinic so please help to spread the word.

The clinic is open to all alpaca and llama owners (no limit on the number of animals per ‘customer’) on a first-come, first-served basis. The cost is $45.00 for alpacas and $55 for llamas and includes nail and teeth trimming.

Gelding candidates must be in good health, halter-broke, reasonably well-behaved, and at least 18 months old. Both testicles must be descended into the scrotum so even though the animal is 18 months, if the testicles are not descended they cannot participate. Because this is a production clinic, genitourinary anomalies cannot be accommodated. NO exceptions. Please check your boys!

The animals will be anesthetized so please keep them off food for 12 hours before the appointment. An appointment schedule will be sent the week before the clinic. A reminder will be sent in February,

Please contact me if you have any questions. My email is, my cell phone is 303-748-2308, and the house phone is 303-465-1576. Please include the number of animals, their age, and your contact information (address, telephone, email, etc.)

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